In my latest Azure/Terraform post, I touched on how I solved the “Chicken and Egg” problem with Terraform: how you need cloud resources in order to store Terraform state, but you can’t use Terraform to generate those cloud resources. This post details the solution to that problem.
[Read More]Azure and Terraform, Round Two
I recently blogged about using Terraform to manage resources in Azure. To be honest, my implementation was okay, but it could definitely improve. This post is an update on how I’ve updated the structure and usage of Terraform within projects.
[Read More]Azure and Terraform
I have always believed that Delivery is one of the most important aspects of software development. I blogged about it previously (My Core Values). Software delivery isn’t just putting the bits into the final resting location; it must also include the infrastructure provisioning to explicitly define where the bits will actually land. Terraform helps bridge that gap, especially given a public cloud offering like Azure.
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